Get Started Today with 3 Easy Steps

Schedule your Complimentary Consultation

  •  Your personal trainer will review your health and fitness history to understand any limitations or concerns.
  • You’ll discuss your specific fitness goals, whether they involve weight loss, muscle gain, improved endurance, or other objectives.
  • Your trainer will perform initial assessments, which will include body measurements, body composition analysis, and basic fitness tests to establish a baseline metrics.
  • Your personal trainer will discuss the results of your assessments and provide insights into your current fitness level.
  • Together, you and your trainer will create a personalized fitness plan that aligns with your goals. This may include exercise routines, nutrition recommendations, and strategies for tracking progress.
  • You’ll receive guidance on how often you should exercise, the types of exercises that suit your objectives, and any modifications necessary to accommodate your fitness level or any existing health conditions.
  • You’ll discuss scheduling and the frequency of future training sessions or follow-up consultations.
  • Payment details, including fees and payment methods, will be clarified at this stage.
  • You’ll receive instructions on how to access the online booking app & Training app provided by EMBODI Fitness to support your fitness journey.

Get Started with 3 Easy Steps

  •  Your personal trainer will review your health and fitness history to understand any limitations or concerns.
  • You’ll discuss your specific fitness goals, whether they involve weight loss, muscle gain, improved endurance, or other objectives.
  • Your trainer will perform initial assessments, which will include body measurements, body composition analysis, and basic fitness tests to establish a baseline metrics.
  • Your personal trainer will discuss the results of your assessments and provide insights into your current fitness level.
  • Together, you and your trainer will create a personalized fitness plan that aligns with your goals. This may include exercise routines, nutrition recommendations, and strategies for tracking progress.
  • You’ll receive guidance on how often you should exercise, the types of exercises that suit your objectives, and any modifications necessary to accommodate your fitness level or any existing health conditions.
  • You’ll discuss scheduling and the frequency of future training sessions or follow-up consultations.
  • Payment details, including fees and payment methods, will be clarified at this stage.
  • You’ll receive instructions on how to access the online booking app & Training app provided by EMBODI Fitness to support your fitness journey.

Schedule your Complimentary Consultation

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